March 8th, 2011

Angry & White Is The New Black

by Gordon Smith

And The Winner Is . It's The Code Stupid . Only In America

At this point I’m on at least 4 or 5 different social networks. Over the last couple weeks I’ve gotten into a couple of grade school level digital shoving matches. All of these altercations where with white guys in their 20s and 30s. They were not immature high school kids. I’m talking about situations where I said something along the line of, “What’s up? How can I help you?” And their reply was, “Fxcck you! You pxxssy!” One of them went so far as to say, “Don’t fxcck with me. I’m a real nxxgga.” Oh yes, he did.

What makes matters more dumbfounding is that according to his profile Mr. I.M. N-Word doesn’t even live in an urban area. He didn’t grow up in an urban area. He went to a middle America and very white college. I even checked his profile and he doesn’t have any “nxxgga” friends. The closet thing I saw to a minority were a couple Jewish last names, one Asian guy and one hottie who turned out to be French Canadian. Are you fxcckin’ serious? Maybe I’m out of the loop but when did gansta rappers start doing drive-bys on cows? When did corn fields become the new street corner? I know Walmart sells guns but are they pushing AK-47s now? WTF??

Someone tell me, why are these white guys so angry? Are white chicks not giving it up like they used to? Maybe it’s Pepsi Zero? Maybe that’s what makes whitey so hard and angry? Why do these well to do crackers  embrace the thug life when the closest they’ve gotten to a real thug is a Puff Daddy video on YouTube?

I can understand why a real nxxgga uses the word nxxgga. I don’t agree with it. I think it’s cliche to the point of being comical. But ultimately I can understand. It is what it is. But where the fxcck do white guys in their early 30s from Whiteyville get off calling themselves nxxgga? When I say white, I mean this guy was so fxxckin’ white that his profile photo might as well been Casper The Friendly Ghost. His girlfriend’s name was something like Annie or Suzie. I’m sure the only time this guy sees crack is when he’s checking his hemorrhoids in the mirror.  And that’s a nxxgga now? Fxxck me, what’s a real nxxgga to do now?

If angry & white is the new black someone please let me know so I can get on board. I so want to be down. LOL

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Imagine that, no one has commented yet. Effin' whimps.

Go 'head fool, talk your sorry ass smack.